Welcome to my Crime and Justice blog! I am a 19 year old criminal justice student at the University of Winnipeg. I advocate for prisoners' rights, human rights, equality and criminal justice/prison system reforms.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ending pensions for those in prison? Not appropriate

Today will be a banner day for the power of the press, and particularly for Sun legend Peter Worthington who broke the story that odious serial killer Clifford Olson — along with upwards of 350 other federal long-termers — has been collecting old age pension cheques while behind bars.
Worthington recently had his ticker tinkered with, but his nose for news has never missed a beat.
Today, as our parliamentary bureau chief Kathleen Harris reported exclusively, the Tory government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper — acting on Worthington’s and QMI Agency reports, and the public anger that rightfully ensued — will table legislation to nix lifers in federal penitentiaries from receiving Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement Allowances.
Even Olson sees this as the right move.
“What good is money to me?” he told Worthington. “I got no use for it.”
It’s bad enough that taxpayers are stuck with the $110,000 a year it costs for Olson’s custodial room and board when, if there were a death penalty at least for sex killers, we would have already saved millions by taking away Olson’s air, along with others of his persuasion.
But that day, sadly, will never come.
Our politicians do not have the parts to yield to the public’s will when it comes to our country’s most heinous cons.
Fourteen years from this August, notorious schoolgirl killer Paul Bernardo will turn 60.
Do you wish him an old age pension?
The new legislation, which will be tabled Tuesday by Human Resources Minister Diane Finley, will bring to an end the $1,200 a month that goes into the bank account of Clifford Olson, despite him serving a life sentence for the murders of 11 girls and boys in British Columbia back in the early ’80s.
And not just him, but all the others who are spending their remaining years behind federal bars.
So kudos to Peter Worthington for bringing this abomination to light, and to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation for plopping a petition with 45,000 signatures on Finley’s desk demanding this practice end.
We expect quick passage of this bill.
And we also expect any MP who votes against it to be shamed out of office.

This author said that the death penalty saves millions which is completely wrong. Clearly, they have not done their research, as the death penalty costs more than imprisoning someone for life, plus it is inhumane, barbaric, uncivilized and murder by the government. We cannot take the risk of executing an innocent individual and we need to value the human life. 

I disagree with denying pensions for those serving life in prison. They may be released someday, who knows, and need financial assistance. It is discrimination to deny them pension rights.  

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